This Deserted Destitute Wives Pension Scheme (DDWPS) in Tamil Nadu program, a sub-scheme of the National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) by the Ministry of Rural Development, offers monthly central assistance of Rs. 300 to widows aged 40-79, increasing to Rs. 500 upon reaching 80 years. This certificate can be applied in the E-savai Tamil Nadu portal and the Certificate can be obtained from Tahsildar / Deputy Tahsildar in their Taluk.
Documents needed for Deserted Destitute Wives Pension Scheme (DDWPS)
The following are the documents needed for the Deserted Destitute Wives Pension Scheme (DDWPS)
- Photo
- Aadhar Card
- Aadhar consent form
- Smart or Ration card or any address proof
- Court order
- Any identity certificate
- Self-deceleration
- Bank passbook
Follow are the steps to the Deserted Destitute Wives Pension Scheme (DDWPS)

STEP 1: Click on the “Options button” next to the entry you want to choose.
STEP 2: Click on “Proceed”
Filling up the Form of Deserted Destitute Wives Pension Scheme (DDWPS)
Section 1: Application Form
The Application details cannot be changed.

Section 2: Current Address
The system does not allow changes to the Current Address details.

Section 3: Permanent Address
The system does not allow changes to the Permanent Address details.

Section 4: Contact Details
The system does not allow changes to the contact details.

SECTION 5: Form Details
STEP 1: Enter the disbursement mode.”

STEP 3: Enter the required details, such as Destitute or Sri Lankan Refugee, in the ‘Other Details’ form.

STEP 4:Enter the income details for the family.
STEP 5: Click “ADD”.

STEP 6: Enter the property details for the family

STEP 7: click “Submit”.
(You will be directed to the document uploading page.)
STEP 8: Attach the required “Documents”.

STEP 9: Click “Make payment” – Rs. 60
(You will be directed to the payment page..)
STEP 10: Click “Confirm Payment”.

(Direct the user to the acknowledgement page.)
STEP 11: Click “Print Receipt”

The below picture shows the Preview of the acknowledgment Receipt