How to Apply for Issuance of Public Building License Certificate in Tamil Nadu

Issuance of Public Building License certificate means getting official approval for a public building. This certificate is like a confirmation that the construction meets all the required rules and standards. It’s basically a formal permission saying the building is good to go for its intended public use. This certificate can be applied in the E-savai Tamil Nadu portal and the Certificate can be obtained from Tahsildar / Deputy Tahsildar in their Taluk.

Documents needed for Issuance of Public Building License Certificate:

These are the documents needed to apply Public Building License Certificate:

  • Copy of Building License
  • Building Stability Certificate
  • NOC from the Fire and Rescue Department
  • Sanitary Certificate from Local Body
  • Building Plan as approved by Competent Authority
  • Ownership Deed
  • Self-Declaration of Applicant
  • Chalan Copy
  • Address Proof
  • Other Document

Follow the steps to apply Issuance of Public Building License Certificate:

 Issuance of Public Building License

STEP 1: Click on the “Options button” next to the entry you want to choose.

STEP 2: Click “Proceed”

Filling out the Form of Issuance of Public Building License Certificate

Section 1: Application Form

STEP 1: Enter the “Ration card” number.
(Other details cannot be changed)

Section 2: Current Address

The Current Address cannot be changed.

Section 3: Permanent Address

You cannot change the permanent Address details

Section 4: Contact Details

You cannot change the contact details

Section 5: Form Details

STEP 1:Select the Type of Application and Type of Applicant

STEP 2: Select either “Government” or “Private” for the type of building.

STEP 3: Provide the building details, including its address, capacity, and size, in the respective tab.

STEP 4: Enter Bank and Challan details

(The payment amount is generated based on the chosen building type in Building details.)

STEP 5: Click on “Submit”.

(The system will direct you to the document uploading page..)

STEP 6: Attach the “Documents” required.

STEP 7: Click “Make payment”

(The system will direct you to the payment page)

STEP 8: Click “Confirm Payment”.

(You will be directed to the acknowledgement page.)

STEP 9: Click “Print Receipt”

The picture below presents a preview of the acknowledgement receipt.

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