The Marginal Farmer Certificate is issued by the Tahsildar/Deputy Tahsildar in the Taluk to farmers who own up to 2.5 acres. This certificate allows them to avail of subsidy programs for micro-irrigation and water management. Farmers with more than five acres do not need certificates to access these benefits. Those interested in obtaining the Marginal Farmer Certificate can apply through the E-savai Tamil Nadu portal.
Document needed to apply for Small/Marginal Farmer Certificate
These are the documents needed to apply Small/Marginal Farmer Certificate
- Photo
- Chitta
- Self-declaration
- Adangal
- Encumbrance
- Ration Card or Address proof
- Sales deed
- Other Documents
Follow the steps to apply Small/Marginal Farmer Certificate

STEP 1: Click on “Options button” next to the entry you want to choose.
STEP 2: Click on “Proceed”

Filling out the Form of Small/Marginal Farmer Certificate
Section 1: Application Form
You cannot change the details in the application form.

Section 2: Current Address
You cannot change the current address details.

Section 3: Permanent Address
You cannot change the permanent address details.

Section 4: Contact Details
You cannot change the contact details.

Section 5: Land Details
STEP 1: Enter “Land Details”
STEP 2: Click on“ADD”.

STEP 3: Click on “Submit”.

(You will be directed to the document uploading page.)
STEP 4: Attach the “Documents” required.

STEP 5: Click on “Make payment”

(You will be directed to the Payment page.)
STEP 6: Click on “Confirm Payment”.

(You will be directed to the acknowledgement page..)
STEP 7: Click on “Print Receipt”

The picture below displays the Preview of the Acknowledgment Receipt.