If you’re a 12th-grade student exploring B.com undergraduate options in the arts stream, consider the following list of recommended courses and colleges
UG Arts stream | UG Science stream |
B.com B.com(CA) B.com(AF) B.com(PA) B.com(CS) B.com(BPS) B.com(BI) B.com(E-Com) B.com(IT) B.Com(BA) B.Com(RM) B.Com(Hons) B.Com(Banking and finance) B.Com(IB) B.Com(Co-operation) BBA BCA BBA(Logistics) BBA(CA) B.A(History) B.A(English) B.A(Tamil) B.A(Economics) | B.sc(CS) B.sc(CSA) B.sc(IT) B.sc(CT) B.sc(AIML) B.sc(AI) B.sc(Acturial Science) B.sc(Data Science) B.sc(Chemistry) B.sc(Physics) B.sc(Zoology) B.sc(Botany) B.sc(Geology) B.sc(Bio.Chem) B.sc(Bio.Tech) B.sc(Maths CA) B.sc(Maths) B.sc(Statics) B.sc(Micro.Bio) B.sc(CDF) B.sc(PSY) B.sc(Vis.com) B.sc(Touris) |
The list of courses and colleges for arts stream courses:
1. B.com
B.Com stands for Bachelor of Commerce, a UG degree course authorized by the Universities Grants Commission (UGC) and typically spanning three years. Individuals can enrol in full-time, distance, or online B.Com programs.
List of College for B.Com
District | College | Website |
CHENNAI | Loyola College | https://www.loyolacollege.edu |
CHENNAI | MadrasChristian College | https://mcc.edu.in/courses-offered/ |
CHENNAI | Guru Nanak College | https://gurunanakcollege.edu.in/school-of-commerce |
CHENNAI | Anna Adarsh College for Women | https://annaadarsh.edu.in/ |
CHENNAI | SDNB Vaishnav College for Women | https://www.sdnbvc.edu.in/programmes-offered/ |
CHENNAI | Stella Maris College | https://stellamariscollege.edu.in/ |
CHENNAI | SRM Institute of Science and Technology | https://www.srmist.edu.in/ |
CHENNAI | Sathyabama University, | https://www.sathyabama.ac.in/about-us |
CHENNAI | DG Vaishnav College, | https://www.dgvaishnavcollege.edu.in/ |
CHENNAI | Vels University, | https://vistas.ac.in/ |
CHENNAI | Ethiraj College for Women | https://ethirajcollege.edu.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Sri Krishna Arts and Science College | https://skasc.ac.in |
COIMBATORE | Hindusthan College of Arts and Science | http://www.hicas.ac.in/pg-courses.html |
COIMBATORE | Rathinam College of Arts and Science – [RCAS] | https://rathinamcollege.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | PSG College of Arts and Science | https://www.psgcas.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Kongunadu Arts and Science College | https://www.kongunaducollege.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Dr GR Damodaran College of Science | https://www.grd.org/grdcs/ |
COIMBATORE | Nirmala College for Women | https://www.grd.org/grdcs/ |
COIMBATORE | Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science College | https://www.srcas.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Dr. SNS Rajalakshmi College of Arts and Science | https://snsgroups.com/main/#b77680 |
COIMBATORE | Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education For Women | https://avinuty.ac.in/maincampus/ |
Cuddalore | St. Joseph’s College Of Arts And Science (Autonomous) | http://sjctnc.edu.in/ |
Dindigul | The Gandhigram Rural Institute (GRI) | https://www.ruraluniv.ac.in/home |
Dindigul | M.V.Muthiah Government Arts College for Women | https://www.mvmwgacdgl.ac.in/ |
Dindigul | GTN Arts college | https://www.gtnartscollege.ac.in/ |
Dindigul | NPR Arts and science college | https://arts.nprcolleges.org/site/artsandscience?sch_id=76 |
Erode | Chikkaiah Naicker College | https://www.cncollege.net/ |
Erode | PKR Arts College for Women | https://www.pkrarts.org/ |
Erode | Gobi Arts & Science College | https://gascgobi.ac.in/origin.html |
Kancheepuram | Sri Sankara Arts and Science College | https://www.sankaracollege.edu.in/courses/under-graduate/b-a-english/ |
Madurai | Thiagarajar College | https://zollege.in/college/164468-thiagarajar-college-madurai |
Madurai | Fatima College | https://fatimacollegemdu.org/ |
Madurai | Arul Anandar College (AAC) | https://www.aactni.edu.in/departments/departments.php |
Madurai | E.M. Gopalakrishna Kone Yadava Women’s College | https://www.emgywomenscollege.ac.in/ |
Madurai | Lady Doak College | https://www.ladydoakcollege.edu.in/courses_offered.html |
Mayiladuthurai | Dharmapuram Gnanambigai Government Arts College for Women | https://dggacollege.edu.in/ |
Mayiladuthurai | A.V.C.College | https://www.avccollege.net/ |
Nagapattinam | EGS Pillay Arts & Science College | http://egspasc.org/ |
Nagercoil | Scott Christian College | https://scott.ac.in/ |
Namakkal | K.S.Rangasamy College of Arts and Science (Autonomous) | https://www.ksrcas.edu/ |
Namakkal | Mahendra Arts and Science College | https://www.mahendraarts.org/ |
Namakkal | Muthayammal College of Arts and Science (Autonomous) | https://muthayammal.in/naac.php |
Namakkal | Sengunthar Arts and Science College | https://www.senguarts.co.in/ |
Namakkal | PGP College of Arts and Science | https://www.pgpartscollege.ac.in/ |
Namakkal | NKR Government Arts College for Women | https://www.nkrgacw.org/ |
Perambalur | Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women (Autonomus) | https://www.dscollege.ac.in/ |
SALEM | AVS College of Arts & Science, Salem. … | Welcome to AVS College of Arts & Science || ஏ.வி.எஸ் கலை மற்றும் அறிவியல் கல்லுரி |
SALEM | Vinayaka Missions University | https://vmrfdu.edu.in/Arts-Science.php |
SALEM | Padmavani Arts & Science College for Women | PADMAVANI ARTS & SCIENCE COLLEGE FOR WOMEN |
Thanjavur | Sastra University | https://www.sastra.edu/ |
Thanjavur | Bon Secours College for Women | https://www.bonsecourscollege.edu.in/ |
Thoothukudi | Pope’s College, | https://www.popescollege.edu.in/ |
Thoothukudi | St. Mary’s College | https://stmaryscollege.edu.in/ |
Tiruchirappalli | Bishop Heber college | https://bhc.edu.in/index.php |
Tiruchirappalli | Jamal Mohamed College | https://www.jmc.edu/academics.php?dep=biotech# |
Tiruchirappalli | Holy Cross College (Autonomous) | http://www.hcctrichy.ac.in/ |
Tiruchirappalli | National College – [NCT] | https://www.nct.ac.in/ |
Tiruchirappalli | Bharathidasan University | https://www.bdu.ac.in/ |
Tiruchirappalli | Seethalakshmi Ramaswami College | https://www.srcollege.edu.in/sf-home.html |
Tirunelveli | Sadakathullah Appa College | https://www.srcollege.edu.in/sf-home.html |
Tirunelveli | Rani Anna Government College for Women | https://raniannagcw.edu.in/ |
Tirunelveli | St. John’s College | https://www.sjctni.edu/ |
Tiruppur | Park’s College, | https://parkscollege.ac.in/ |
Udagamandalam | Providence College For Women – [PCFW] | https://providencecnr.org/ |
Vellore | Auxilium College, | http://www.auxiliumcollege.edu.in/ |
Vellore | Vellore Institute of Technology | https://vit.ac.in/ |
Virudhunagar | Virudhunagar Hindu Nadar’s Senthikumara Nadar College – [VHNSNC] | https://www.vhnsnc.edu.in/ |
Virudhunagar | V.V. Vanniaperumal College for Women, | https://www.vvvcollege.org/ |
Virudhunagar | Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College – [ANJA] | https://www.anjaconline.org/ |
Virudhunagar | Sri Kaliswari College | https://kaliswaricollege.edu.in/ |
2. B.com(CA)
BCom (C.A.) program aims to equip students with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills to excel in the fields of accounting and management. It provides a well-rounded education covering management, commerce, and computer applications.
List of colleges for B.com (CA):
District | College | Website |
CHENNAI | Loyola College | https://www.loyolacollege.edu// |
CHENNAI | Madras Christian College | https://mcc.edu.in/courses-offered/ |
CHENNAI | Anna Adarsh College for Women | https://annaadarsh.edu.in/ |
CHENNAI | SDNB Vaishnav College for Women | https://www.sdnbvc.edu.in/programmes-offered/ |
CHENNAI | SRM Institute of Science and Technology | https://www.srmist.edu.in/ |
CHENNAI | Vels University, | https://vistas.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Sri Krishna Arts and Science College | https://skasc.ac.in |
COIMBATORE | Hindusthan College of Arts and Science | http://www.hicas.ac.in/pg-courses.html |
COIMBATORE | Rathinam College of Arts and Science – [RCAS], | https://rathinamcollege.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | PSG College of Arts and Science | https://www.psgcas.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Kongunadu Arts and Science College | https://www.kongunaducollege.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Dr GR Damodaran College of Science | https://www.grd.org/grdcs/ |
COIMBATORE | Nirmala College for Women | https://www.grd.org/grdcs/ |
COIMBATORE | Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science College | https://www.srcas.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education For Women | https://avinuty.ac.in/maincampus/ |
Dindigul | GTN Arts college | https://www.gtnartscollege.ac.in/ |
Dindigul | NPR Arts and science college | https://arts.nprcolleges.org/site/artsandscience?sch_id=76 |
Erode | PKR Arts College for Women | https://www.pkrarts.org/ |
Erode | Gobi Arts & Science College | https://gascgobi.ac.in/origin.html |
Madurai | Fatima College | https://fatimacollegemdu.org/ |
Madurai | Arul Anandar College (AAC) | https://www.aactni.edu.in/departments/departments.php |
Madurai | Lady Doak College | https://www.ladydoakcollege.edu.in/courses_offered.html |
Nagapattinam | EGS Pillay Arts & Science College | http://egspasc.org/ |
Namakkal | K.S.Rangasamy College of Arts and Science (Autonomous) | https://www.ksrcas.edu/ |
Namakkal | Mahendra Arts and Science College | https://www.mahendraarts.org/ |
Namakkal | Muthayammal College of Arts and Science (Autonomous) | https://muthayammal.in/naac.php |
Namakkal | Sengunthar Arts and Science College | https://www.senguarts.co.in/ |
Namakkal | PGP College of Arts and Science | https://www.pgpartscollege.ac.in/ |
Perambalur | Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women (Autonomous) | https://www.dscollege.ac.in/ |
SALEM | AVS College of Arts & Science, | Welcome to AVS College of Arts & Science || ஏ.வி.எஸ் கலை மற்றும் அறிவியல் கல்லுரி |
SALEM | Vinayaka Missions University | https://vmrfdu.edu.in/Arts-Science.php |
SALEM | Padmavani Arts & Science College for Women | PADMAVANI ARTS & SCIENCE COLLEGE FOR WOMEN |
Thanjavur | Sastra University | https://www.sastra.edu/ |
Thanjavur | Bon Secours College for Women | https://www.bonsecourscollege.edu.n/ |
Tiruchirappalli | Bishop Heber college | https://bhc.edu.in/index.php |
Tiruchirappalli | Holy Cross College (Autonomous) | http://www.hcctrichy.ac.in/ |
Tirunelveli | Sadakathullah Appa College | https://www.srcollege.edu.in/sf-home.html |
Tirunelveli | St. John’s College | https://www.sjctni.edu/ |
Tiruppur | Park’s College, | https://parkscollege.ac.in/ |
Virudhunagar | Virudhunagar Hindu Nadar’s Senthikumara Nadar College – [VHNSNC] | https://www.vhnsnc.edu.in/ |
Virudhunagar | V.V. Vanniaperumal College for Women, | https://www.vvvcollege.org/ |
Virudhunagar | Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College – [ANJA], | https://www.anjaconline.org/ |
Virudhunagar | Sri Kaliswari College, | https://kaliswaricollege.edu.in/ |
3. B.Com (AF)
B.Com in Accounting and Finance is a three-year full-time undergraduate program, that imparts a solid understanding of fundamental principles of accounting. It goes beyond basics, hosting technical skills for financial analysis and compliance with accounting standards. Graduates are well-prepared for careers in accounting, auditing, financial analysis, and related business sectors.
List of colleges for B.com (AF):
Disitrict | College | Website |
CHENNAI | Loyola College | htps://www.loyolacollege.edu// |
CHENNAI | Guru Nanak College | https://gurunanakcollege.edu.in/school-of-commerce |
CHENNAI | Anna Adarsh College for Women | https://annaadarsh.edu.in/ |
CHENNAI | SDNB Vaishnav College for Women | https://www.sdnbvc.edu.in/programmes-offered/ |
CHENNAI | Stella Maris College | https://stellamariscollege.edu.in/ |
CHENNAI | SRM Institute of Science and Technology | https://www.srmist.edu.in/ |
CHENNAI | Sathyabama University, Chennai | https://www.sathyabama.ac.in/about-us |
CHENNAI | Vels University, Chennai | https://vistas.ac.in/ |
CHENNAI | Ethiraj College for Women | https://ethirajcollege.edu.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Sri Krishna Arts and Science College | https://skasc.ac.in |
COIMBATORE | Hindusthan College of Arts and Science | http://www.hicas.ac.in/pg-courses.html |
COIMBATORE | Rathinam College of Arts and Science – [RCAS], Coimbatore | https://rathinamcollege.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | PSG College of Arts and Science Coimbatore | https://www.psgcas.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Dr GR Damodaran College of Science | https://www.grd.org/grdcs/ |
COIMBATORE | Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science College | https://www.srcas.ac.in/ |
Tiruppur | Park’s College, Tiruppur | https://parkscollege.ac.in/ |
4. B.com P(PA)
The B.Com Professional Accounting (PA) program is a three-year undergraduate course that covers theory, principles, methods, and procedures in Commerce and Accounting. Its main goal is to prepare students for careers in fields like Accountancy, Taxation, Finance, and Management.
List of colleges for B. com (PA):
District | College | website |
CHENNAI | Madras Christian College | https://mcc.edu.in/courses-offered/ |
CHENNAI | Guru Nanak College | https://gurunanakcollege.edu.in/school-of-commerce |
CHENNAI | SDNB Vaishnav College for Women | https://www.sdnbvc.edu.in/programmes-offered/ |
COIMBATORE | Dr SNS Rajalakshmi College of Arts and Science | https://skasc.ac.in |
COIMBATORE | Hindusthan College of Arts and Science | http://www.hicas.ac.in/pg-courses.html |
COIMBATORE | Rathinam College of Arts and Science – [RCAS], Coimbatore | https://rathinamcollege.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | PSG College of Arts and Science Coimbatore | https://www.psgcas.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Kongunadu Arts and Science College Coimbatore | https://www.kongunaducollege.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Dr GR Damodaran College of Science | https://www.grd.org/grdcs/ |
COIMBATORE | Nirmala College for Women | https://www.grd.org/grdcs/ |
COIMBATORE | Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science College | https://www.srcas.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | NPR Arts and Science College | https://snsgroups.com/main/#b77680 |
COIMBATORE | Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education For Women | https://avinuty.ac.in/maincampus/ |
Dindigul | GTN Arts college | https://www.gtnartscollege.ac.in/ |
Dindigul | Bishop Heber College | https://arts.nprcolleges.org/site/artsandscence?sch_id=76 |
Erode | PKR Arts College for Women | Welcome to AVS College of Arts & Science || ஏ.வி.எஸ் கலை மற்றும் அறிவியல் கல்லுரி |
Erode | Gobi Arts & Science College | https://gascgobi.ac.in/origin.html |
Madurai | Thiagarajar College | https://zollege.in/college/164468-thiagarajar-college-madurai |
Madurai | Lady Doak College | https://www.ladydoakcollege.edu.in/courses_offered.html |
Namakkal | K.S.Rangasamy College of Arts and Science (Autonomous) | https://www.ksrcas.edu/ |
Namakkal | Muthayammal College of Arts and Science (Autonomous) | https://muthayammal.in/naac.php |
SALEM | AVS College of Arts & Science, Salem. … | Welcome to AVS College of Arts & Science || ஏ.வி.எஸ் கலை மற்றும் அறிவியல் கல்லுரி |
SALEM | Vinayaka Missions University | https://vmrfdu.edu.in/Arts-Science.php |
Tiruchirappalli | Bishop Heber college | https://bhc.edu.in/index.php |
Virudhunagar | V.V. Vanniaperumal College for Women, Virudhunagar | https://www.vvvcollege.org/ |
5. B.com(CS)
B.Com Corporate Secretaryship is a three-year undergrad program that teaches about supporting directors and helping the board. After graduation, you can get jobs like financial analyst, tax consultant, auditor, banker, business consultant, and investment banker in both private and public sectors, with good pay. Certified institutions offer these job opportunities.
List of College for B.com(CS):
District | College | Website |
CHENNAI | Loyola College | https://www.loyolacollege.edu// |
CHENNAI | Guru Nanak College | https://gurunanakcollege.edu.in/school-of-commerce |
CHENNAI | Anna Adarsh College for Women | https://annaadarsh.edu.in/ |
CHENNAI | SDNB Vaishnav College for Women | https://www.sdnbvc.edu.in/programmes-offered/ |
CHENNAI | Stella Maris College | https://stellamariscollege.edu.in/ |
CHENNAI | Ethiraj College for Women | https://ethirajcollege.edu.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Sri Krishna Arts and Science College | https://skasc.ac.in |
COIMBATORE | Hindusthan College of Arts and Science | http://www.hicas.ac.in/pg-courses.html |
COIMBATORE | Rathinam College of Arts and Science – [RCAS], Coimbatore | https://rathinamcollege.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | PSG College of Arts and Science Coimbatore | https://www.psgcas.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Dr GR Damodaran College of Science | https://www.grd.org/grdcs/ |
COIMBATORE | Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science College | https://www.srcas.ac.in/ |
Madurai | Fatima College | https://fatimacollegemdu.org/ |
Madurai | Lady Doak College | https://www.ladydoakcollege.edu.in/courses_offered.html |
Tiruppur | Park’s College, Tiruppur | https://parkscollege.ac.in/ |
Virudhunagar | Sri Kaliswari College, Sivakasi | https://kaliswaricollege.edu.in/ |
The BCom Business Process Services course is about commerce and business management, focusing on outsourcing. It covers financial management, regulations, and strategies for improving a company’s economy. The topics include risk analysis, budgeting, resource management, and operations. After completing the course, students will have diverse knowledge about business characteristics, policies, planning, coordination, and operations.
List of Colleges for B.com(BPS)
District | College | Website |
COIMBATORE | Sri Krishna Arts and Science College | https://skasc.ac.in |
COIMBATORE | Rathinam College of Arts and Science – [RCAS], Coimbatore | https://rathinamcollege.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | PSG College of Arts and Science Coimbatore | https://www.psgcas.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science College | https://www.srcas.ac.in/ |
The B.Com Banking and Insurance program spans over three years and six semesters, covering theoretical subjects related to the field. Its goal is to produce professionals with expertise in accounting, banking, finance, and insurance. Core subjects include Principles and Practice of Banking, Insurance Law and Practice, Business Management, Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting, etc.
List of colleges for b.com(BI)
District | College | Website |
CHENNAI | SDNB Vaishnav College for Women | https://www.sdnbvc.edu.in/programmes-offered/ |
COIMBATORE | Sri Krishna Arts and Science College | https://skasc.ac.in |
COIMBATORE | Hindusthan College of Arts and Science | http://www.hicas.ac.in/pg-courses.html |
COIMBATORE | Rathinam College of Arts and Science – [RCAS], Coimbatore | https://rathinamcollege.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Kongunadu Arts and Science College Coimbatore | https://www.kongunaducollege.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science College | https://www.srcas.ac.in/ |
Erode | Gobi Arts & Science College | https://gascgobi.ac.in/origin.html |
Madurai | Lady Doak College | https://www.ladydoakcollege.edu.in/courses_offered.html |
Namakkal | K.S.Rangasamy College of Arts and Science (Autonomous) | https://www.ksrcas.edu/ |
B.Com in e-commerce is a three-year undergraduate program focusing on accounting principles in the context of online business. This course is centred around the emerging trading method facilitated by the internet and technology. The objective of B.Com in e-commerce is to equip students with both theoretical and practical insights into future commerce and trade practices. Candidates should have completed their 10+2 education with subjects like Accounts, Business Studies, and Economics from a recognized board to be eligible for this program.
List of colleges for B.com(E-com)
District | College | Website |
COIMBATORE | Sri Krishna Arts and Science College | https://skasc.ac.in |
COIMBATORE | PSG College of Arts and Science Coimbatore | https://www.psgcas.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Dr GR Damodaran College of Science | https://www.grd.org/grdcs/ |
COIMBATORE | Nirmala College for Women | https://www.grd.org/grdcs/ |
Virudhunagar | Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College – [ANJA], Sivakasi | https://www.anjaconline.org/ |
9. B.com(IT)
B.Com in Information Technology is a three-year course that merges the realms of business and technology. This program covers the skills needed for designing, developing, implementing, and managing information systems, along with expertise in adapting software applications and computer hardware. Eligibility for B.Com Information Technology requires candidates to have scored a minimum of 50% marks in their 10+2 exams, preferably with a background in commerce.
List of college for B.com(IT):
District | College | Website |
COIMBATORE | Sri Krishna Arts and Science College | https://skasc.ac.in |
COIMBATORE | Rathinam College of Arts and Science – [RCAS], Coimbatore | https://rathinamcollege.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Kongunadu Arts and Science College Coimbatore | https://www.kongunaducollege.ac.n/ |
COIMBATORE | Dr GR Damodaran College of Science | https://www.grd.org/grdcs/ |
COIMBATORE | Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science College | https://www.srcas.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Dr. SNS Rajalakshmi College of Arts and Science | https://snsgroups.com/main/#b77680 |
District | College | Website |
CHENNAI | Stella Maris College | https://stellamariscollege.edu.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Sri Krishna Arts and Science College | https://skasc.ac.in |
COIMBATORE | PSG College of Arts and Science Coimbatore | https://www.psgcas.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Nirmala College for Women | https://www.grd.org/grdcs/ |
Dindigul | M.V.Muthiah Government Arts College for Women | https://www.mvmwgacdgl.ac.in/ |
Erode | Gobi Arts & Science College | https://gascgobi.ac.in/origin.html |
Tiruchirappalli | Bishop Heber college | https://bhc.edu.in/index.php |
11. B.Com(RM)
District | College | Website |
COIMBATORE | PSG College of Arts and Science Coimbatore | https://www.psgcas.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Dr GR Damodaran College of Science | https://www.grd.org/grdcs/ |
COIMBATORE | Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science College | https://www.srcas.ac.in/ |
B.Com Honours is an undergraduate program that allows students to specialize in a specific area of commerce, such as accounting, economics, finance, or business, chosen in their final year. It provides a comprehensive education in commerce, covering various aspects of the field.
List of college for B.com(Hons):
District | College | Website |
CHENNAI | Loyola College | https://www.loyolacollege.edu// |
CHENNAI | Guru Nanak College | https://gurunanakcollege.edu.in/school-of-commerce |
CHENNAI | Anna Adarsh College for Women | https://annaadarsh.edu.in/ |
CHENNAI | SDNB Vaishnav College for Women | https://www.sdnbvc.edu.in/programmes-offered/ |
CHENNAI | Stella Maris College | https://stellamariscollege.edu.in/ |
CHENNAI | SRM Institute of Science and Technology | https://www.srmist.edu.in/ |
CHENNAI | Vels University, Chennai | https://vistas.ac.in/ |
CHENNAI | Ethiraj College for Women | https://ethirajcollege.edu.in/ |
Madurai | Fatima College | https://fatimacollegemdu.org/ |
Madurai | Lady Doak College | https://www.ladydoakcollege.edu.in/courses_offered.html |
Tirunelveli | St. John’s College | https://www.sjctni.edu/ |
13.B.Com(Banking and finance)
The B.Com in Banking and Finance is a three-year undergraduate program that delves into subjects such as Banking, Accounting, Banking Law, Insurance Law, and Insurance Risk and Insurance Regulations.
List of colleges for B.com(Banking and Finance)
District | College | Website |
CHENNAI | Ethiraj College for Women | https://ethirajcollege.edu.in/ |
SALEM | Vinayaka Missions University | https://vmrfdu.edu.in/Arts-Science.php |
14. B.Com(IB)
B.Com(IB) is a Bachelor’s degree in International Business, covering topics like global economics and cross-border trade to prepare students for careers in international business and finance.
List of colleges for B.Com(IB)
District | College | Website |
COIMBATORE | Hindusthan College of Arts and Science | http://www.hicas.ac.in/pg-courses.html |
COIMBATORE | Rathinam College of Arts and Science – [RCAS], Coimbatore | https://rathinamcollege.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Dr GR Damodaran College of Science | https://www.grd.org/grdcs/ |
COIMBATORE | Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science College | https://www.srcas.ac.in/ |
15.B.Com (Co-operation)
The Bachelor of Commerce in Cooperation is an undergraduate program crafted to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the skills essential for navigating the intersection of cooperation and commerce. The curriculum and subjects of B.Com Co-operation are strategically formulated to encompass crucial facets of cooperative law and administration.
List of colleges for B.com(Co-operation)
District | College | Website |
CHENNAI | SRM Institute of Science and Technology | https://www.srmist.edu.in/ |
CHENNAI | DG Vaishnav College, Chennai | https://www.dgvaishnavcollege.edu.in/ |
CHENNAI | Ethiraj College for Women | https://ethirajcollege.edu.in/ |
Dindigul | The Gandhigram Rural Institute (GRI) | https://www.ruraluniv.ac.in/home |
16. BBA (Bachelors of Bussiness Administration)
The Bachelor of Business Administration, or BBA, is a highly popular undergraduate degree that revolves around the management of businesses, companies, or organizations. This program equips students with skills and in-depth insights into the dynamic world of business.
List of Colleges for BBA:
District | College | Website |
CHENNAI | Loyola College | https://www.loyolacollege.edu// |
CHENNAI | Madras Christian College | https://mcc.edu.in/courses-offered/ |
CHENNAI | Guru Nanak College | https://gurunanakcollege.edu.in/school-of-commerce |
CHENNAI | Anna Adarsh College for Women | https://annaadarsh.edu.in/ |
CHENNAI | SDNB Vaishnav College for Women | https://www.sdnbvc.edu.in/programmes-offered/ |
CHENNAI | Stella Maris College | https://stellamariscollege.edu.in/ |
CHENNAI | SRM Institute of Science and Technology | https://www.srmist.edu.in/ |
CHENNAI | Sathyabama University, Chennai | https://www.sathyabama.ac.in/about-us |
CHENNAI | DG Vaishnav College, Chennai | https://www.dgvaishnavcollege.edu.in/ |
CHENNAI | Vels University, Chennai | https://vistas.ac.in/ |
CHENNAI | Ethiraj College for Women | https://ethirajcollege.edu.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Sri Krishna Arts and Science College | https://skasc.ac.in |
COIMBATORE | Hindusthan College of Arts and Science | http://www.hicas.ac.in/pg-courses.html |
COIMBATORE | Rathinam College of Arts and Science – [RCAS], Coimbatore | https://rathinamcollege.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | PSG College of Arts and Science Coimbatore | https://www.psgcas.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Kongunadu Arts and Science College Coimbatore | https://www.kongunaducollege.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Dr GR Damodaran College of Science | https://www.grd.org/grdcs/ |
COIMBATORE | Nirmala College for Women | https://www.grd.org/grdcs/ |
COIMBATORE | Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science College | https://www.srcas.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Dr. SNS Rajalakshmi College of Arts and Science | https://snsgroups.com/main/#b77680 |
COIMBATORE | Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education For Women | https://avinuty.ac.in/maincampus/ |
Dindigul | The Gandhigram Rural Institute (GRI) | https://www.ruraluniv.ac.in/home |
Erode | PKR Arts College for Women | https://www.pkrarts.org/ |
Kancheepuram | Sri Sankara Arts and Science College Kancheepuram | https://www.sankaracollege.edu.in/courses/under-graduate/b-a-english/ |
Madurai | Fatima College | https://fatimacollegemdu.org/ |
Madurai | E.M. Gopalakrishna Kone Yadava Women’s College | https://www.emgywomenscollege.ac.in/ |
Madurai | Lady Doak College | https://www.ladydoakcollege.edu.in/courses_offered.html |
Mayiladuthurai | Dharmapuram Gnanambigai Government Arts College for Women | https://dggacollege.edu.in/ |
Mayiladuthurai | A.V.C.College | https://www.avccollege.net/ |
Nagapattinam | EGS Pillay Arts & Science College | http://egspasc.org/ |
Namakkal | K.S.Rangasamy College of Arts and Science (Autonomous) | https://www.ksrcas.edu/ |
Namakkal | Mahendra Arts and Science College | https://www.mahendraarts.org/ |
Namakkal | Muthayammal College of Arts and Science (Autonomous) | https://muthayammal.in/naac.php |
Namakkal | Sengunthar Arts and Science College | https://www.senguarts.co.in/ |
Namakkal | PGP College of Arts and Science | https://www.pgpartscollege.ac.in/ |
Perambalur | Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women (Autonomus) | https://www.dscollege.ac.in/ |
SALEM | Vinayaka Missions University | https://vmrfdu.edu.in/Arts-Science.php |
SALEM | Padmavani Arts & Science College for Women | PADMAVANI ARTS & SCIENCE COLLEGE FOR WOMEN |
Thanjavur | Bon Secours College for Women | https://www.bonsecourscollege.edu.in/ |
Thoothukudi | Pope’s College, | https://www.popescollege.edu.in/ |
Thoothukudi | St. Mary’s College | https://stmaryscollege.edu.in/ |
Tiruchirappalli | Bishop Heber college | https://bhc.edu.in/index.php |
Tiruchirappalli | Jamal Mohamed College | https://www.jmc.edu/academics.php?dep=biotech# |
Tiruchirappalli | Holy Cross College (Autonomous) | http://www.hcctrichy.ac.in/ |
Tiruchirappalli | National College – [NCT] | https://www.nct.ac.in/ |
Tiruchirappalli | Bharathidasan University | https://www.bdu.ac.in/ |
Tiruchirappalli | Seethalakshmi Ramaswami College | https://www.srcollege.edu.in/sf-home.html |
Tirunelveli | St. John’s College | https://www.sjctni.edu/ |
Tiruppur | Park’s College, Tiruppur | https://parkscollege.ac.in/ |
Vellore | Auxilium College, Vellore | http://www.auxiliumcollege.edu.in/ |
Vellore | Vellore Institute of Technology | https://vit.ac.in/ |
Virudhunagar | Sri Kaliswari College, Sivakasi | https://kaliswaricollege.edu.in/ |
17. BCA(Bachelor in Computer Application)
The Bachelor in Computer Application spans a three-year duration as an undergraduate program. Focusing on areas related to computer applications and technology, this course provides students with a diverse range of career opportunities upon completion.
List of Colleges for BCA:
District | College | Website |
CHENNAI | Loyola College | https://www.loyolacollege.edu// |
CHENNAI | Madras Christian College | https://mcc.edu.in/courses-offered/ |
CHENNAI | Guru Nanak College | https://gurunanakcollege.edu.in/school-of-commerce |
CHENNAI | Anna Adarsh College for Women | https://annaadarsh.edu.in/ |
CHENNAI | SDNB Vaishnav College for Women | https://www.sdnbvc.edu.in/programmes-offered/ |
CHENNAI | Stella Maris College | https://stellamariscollege.edu.in/ |
CHENNAI | SRM Institute of Science and Technology | https://www.srmist.edu.in/ |
CHENNAI | Vels University, Chennai | https://vistas.ac.in/ |
CHENNAI | Ethiraj College for Women | https://ethirajcollege.edu.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Sri Krishna Arts and Science College | https://skasc.ac.in |
COIMBATORE | Hindusthan College of Arts and Science | http://www.hicas.ac.in/pg-courses.html |
COIMBATORE | Rathinam College of Arts and Science – [RCAS], Coimbatore | https://rathinamcollege.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | PSG College of Arts and Science Coimbatore | https://www.psgcas.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Kongunadu Arts and Science College Coimbatore | https://www.kongunaducollege.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Dr GR Damodaran College of Science | https://www.grd.org/grdcs/ |
COIMBATORE | Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science College | https://www.srcas.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Dr. SNS Rajalakshmi College of Arts and Science | https://snsgroups.com/main/#b77680 |
COIMBATORE | Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education For Women | https://avinuty.ac.in/maincampus/ |
Dindigul | GTN Arts college | https://www.gtnartscollege.ac.in/ |
Dindigul | NPR Arts and science college | https://arts.nprcolleges.org/site/artsandscience?sch_id=76 |
Erode | PKR Arts College for Women | https://www.pkrarts.org/ |
Erode | Gobi Arts & Science College | https://gascgobi.ac.in/origin.html |
Madurai | Thiagarajar College | https://zollege.in/college/164468thiagarajar-college-madurai |
Madurai | Fatima College | https://fatimacollegemdu.org/ |
Madurai | Arul Anandar College (AAC) | https://www.aactni.edu.in/departments/dpartments.php |
Nagapattinam | EGS Pillay Arts & Science College | http://egspasc.org/ |
Nagercoil | Scott Christian College | https://scott.ac.in/ |
Namakkal | K.S.Rangasamy College of Arts and Science (Autonomous) | https://www.ksrcas.edu/ |
Namakkal | Muthayammal College of Arts and Science (Autonomous) | https://muthayammal.in/naac.php |
Namakkal | Sengunthar Arts and Science College | https://www.senguarts.co.in/ |
Namakkal | PGP College of Arts and Science | https://www.pgpartscollege.ac.in/ |
Perambalur | Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women (Autonomous) | https://www.dscollege.ac.in/ |
SALEM | AVS College of Arts & Science, Salem. … | Welcome to AVS College of Arts & Science || ஏ.வி.எஸ் கலை மற்றும் அறிவியல் கல்லுரி |
SALEM | Vinayaka Missions University | https://vmrfdu.edu.in/Arts-Science.php |
SALEM | Padmavani Arts & Science College for Women | PADMAVANI ARTS & SCIENCE COLLEGE FOR WOMEN |
Thanjavur | Bon Secours College for Women | https://www.bonsecourscollege.edu.in/ |
Tiruchirappalli | Bishop Heber college | https://bhc.edu.in/index.php |
Tiruchirappalli | Jamal Mohamed College | https://www.jmc.edu/academics.php?dep=biotech# |
Tiruchirappalli | National College – [NCT] | https://www.nct.ac.in/ |
Tirunelveli | St. John’s College | https://www.sjctni.edu/ |
Tiruppur | Park’s College, Tiruppur | https://parkscollege.ac.in/ |
Udagamandalam | Providence College For Women – [PCFW], Coonoor | https://providencecnr.org/ |
Vellore | Auxilium College, Vellore | http://www.auxiliumcollege.edu.in/ |
Vellore | Vellore Institute of Technology | https://vit.ac.in/ |
Virudhunagar | Virudhunagar Hindu Nadar’s Senthikumara Nadar College – [VHNSNC] | https://www.vhnsnc.edu.in/ |
Virudhunagar | V.V. Vanniaperumal College for Women, Virudhunagar | https://www.vvvcollege.org/ |
Virudhunagar | Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College – [ANJA], Sivakasi | https://www.anjaconline.org/ |
Virudhunagar | Sri Kaliswari College, Sivakasi | https://kaliswaricollege.edu.in/ |
18.BBA (Logistics)
The BBA Logistics & Supply Chain Management, a three-year undergraduate program, delivers essential insights into the workings of logistics and supply chain operations.
List of Colleges for BBA (Logistics):
District | College | Website |
CHENNAI | Vels University, Chennai | https://vistas.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Sri Krishna Arts and Science College | https://skasc.ac.in |
COIMBATORE | Hindusthan College of Arts and Science | http://www.hicas.ac.in/pg-courses.html |
COIMBATORE | Rathinam College of Arts and Science – [RCAS], Coimbatore | https://rathinamcollege.ac.in/ |
Mayiladuthurai | A.V.C.College | https://www.avccollege.net/ |
The BBA in Computer Application, or BBA in CA, serves as an undergraduate program geared towards cultivating IT professionals for the expanding IT industry in the country.
List of College for BBA (CA)
District | College | Website |
COIMBATORE | Sri Krishna Arts and Science College | https://skasc.ac.in |
COIMBATORE | Hindusthan College of Arts and Science | http://www.hicas.ac.in/pg-courses.html |
COIMBATORE | Rathinam College of Arts and Science – [RCAS], Coimbatore | https://rathinamcollege.ac.in/ |
COIMBATORE | Dr. SNS Rajalakshmi College of Arts and Science | https://snsgroups.com/main/#b77680 |
Kancheepuram | Sri Sankara Arts and Science College Kancheepuram | https://www.sankaracollege.edu.in/courses/under-graduate/b-a-english/ |
Madurai | Arul Anandar College (AAC) | https://www.aactni.edu.in/departments/departments.php |
SALEM | AVS College of Arts & Science, Salem. … | Welcome to AVS College of Arts & Science || ஏ.வி.எஸ் கலை மற்றும் அறிவியல் கல்லுரி |
Tiruppur | Park’s College, Tiruppur | https://parkscollege.ac.in/ |
Virudhunagar | Sri Kaliswari College, Sivakasi | https://kaliswaricollege.edu.in/ |
*Source: SFRBC Academic Group*